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S. K. Loong (龍韶基)

Mo-kei Watt (屈武圻) family and S. K. Loong

Founded in 1948, Cheong K. Company Ltd (章記建業) was the building construction field pioneer and many buildings developed by the firm still stand today such as the Cheong K Building (章記大廈) and the On Lok Yuen Building in Central and Swiss House in Quarry Bay. When the Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong was founded in 1965, Cheong K founder Watt Mo-kei (屈武圻1915-1996), was one of two vice-chairmen (the other being Stanley Ho of Macau casino fame) under Henry Fok, highlighting his status in the real estate industry at the time.
Watt Mo-kei hailed from a prominent Chinese Christian family in HK. His father Watt Lok-hing (屈樂卿, 1881-1959) was a native of Panyu and a leader of the HK Methodist Church for over half a century who was involved in the establishment of its Wanchai church. Watt Lok-hing was also a volunteer at the Nethersole Hospital for over four decades and was a close friend and church colleague of Cheung Kut-shing, the founder of the confectionery firm On Lok Yuen (see article), whose board he served on and as a result, Cheong K. helped to develop On Lok Yuen Building in Central in 1961.
Watt Mo-kei had six brothers and five sisters, the husband of the fourth sister – S. K. Loong (龍韶基) was an architect. S. K. Loong ordained in 1941, Loong had been sent to work in Calcutta during the war. After he returned, he helped the architect who designed Central Hospital and supervised the construction work. Soon he became involved with the building of churches in the diocese. Loong was most proud of Rei Oi Church which had a novel design at that time for Hong Kong. The faithful Loong became ROH's secretary, and chaplain and registrar of the diocese in 1949, and remained in these positions until ROH's retirement. Loong was the only Chinese and one of the right-hand men of R.O.H..

The information above is pending confirmation.

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